Preparation, structure and luminescent properties of Eu3+ doped MBPO5 (M = Ca, Sr, Ba) red phosphor for white LED
A suite of MBPO5 (borophosphates-BPO):Eu3+ (M = Ca, Sr, Ba) red emitting phosphors were synthesized and their luminescent properties were studied by excitation and emission spectra.
The energy gap of CBPO, SBPO and BBPO are 5.481, 5.498 and 5.604 eV, respectively. While, these samples showed similar total and partial densities of states. The x-ray powder diffraction (XRD) patterns indicated that the samples were simple MPBO5 phase. According to the absorption spectra, the band gap energies of CBPO:Eu3+, SBPO: Eu3+ and BBPO:Eu3+ were calculated to be 5.499, 5.516 and 5.659 eV, respectively. The spectra of all three MBPO5:Eu3+ samples were similar with main excitation and emission peaks at 394 nm and 594 nm, respectively. The concentration quenching did not appear with the increase of the concentration of Eu3+. The charge compensator can improve the emission intensity. The average decay time of CBPO:0.05Eu3+, SBPO:0.05Eu3+ and BBPO:0.05Eu3+ was 3.29, 2.54, and 3.15 ms, respectively. The above results suggested that this phosphor was qualified as red phosphor, which could be used as a near UV-based white LED.
Zhiren Wei, Yue Lu, Xu Li, Yue Dong, Dian Jiao, Li Guan, Guoyi Dong, Feng Teng
Article History
• Accepted on 06/06/2016
• Available online on 29/06/2016
• Published online on 04/07/2016
Financial support: This work is financially supported by the National Science Foundation of China (No.61205180), Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province (Grants No. E2012201087), the first batch of young talent support plan of Hebei Province, the distinguished young scholars of Hebei University (2012JQ01) and Natural Science Foundation of Hebei University (Grants No. 3333112). We also appreciate the financial support from the Midwest universities comprehensive strength promotion project.
Conflict of interest: None of the authors has financial interest related to this study to disclose.
In the past few decades, more attention has been paid to the synthesis of the phosphor-converted white light-emitting diodes (w-LEDs) (1, 2). With the semiconductor technology becoming more mature, near UV chips emitting light <400 nm have been prepared, which can contribute to a higher efficiency of solid state lighting. Tri-color phosphors powder, which could be excited by the near ultraviolet light, are needed due to the color rendering indices of such LEDs which are mainly determined by the phosphor. However, few types of exiting phosphors could meet the demand of the near UV chips (3). In addition, the lower efficiency of the classic red phosphors had to be improved (4).
Borophosphates have previously been reported and characterized (5, 6). Their main structure features include planer BO3 triangles or BO4 tetrahedron sharing corners with PO4 tetrahedron, which results in a great variety of different structures with one- two- and three-dimensional anion complexes (7, 8). Eu2+ ions doped (Ca, Sr, Ba) BPO5 phosphors were investigated as an x-ray storage phosphor (9). So far, ten types of borophosphates were found, for example, MII [BPO5] (MII = Ca, Sr, Ba), MII3 [BPO7] (MII = Zn, Mg), PbBPO5, Co5 [BP3O14], Ln7O6 (BO3) (PO4)2 (Ln = La, Gd, Dy), etc. (10-11-12-13-14). As the transition of 5D0-7F1 and 5D0-7F2 (13), belongs to the transition from lowest excited level (5D0) of the 4f6 configuration to the ground level 7FJ (J = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4) of Eu3+ ions, the diagnostic red emission of Eu3+ ions are significantly important for the red light emitting phosphor with proper CIE (Commission Internationale de L’Eclairage) chromaticity coordinates.
In this work, Eu3+ doped MBPO5 (CBPO, SBPO and BBPO) phosphors were prepared and the properties of luminescence were studied. The energy band and state density were calculated to determine the electronic structure. Meanwhile, the influences of the concentration of Eu3+ and charge compensator on the intensity of luminescence were also investigated.
Experimental procedure
Preparation of Eu3+ phosphors
A series of MBPO5: Eu3+ (M = Ca, Sr or Ba) phosphors were prepared with traditional solid-phase reaction technique. The original materials were CaCO3 (99.9%), SrCO3 (99.9%), BaCO3 (99.9%), H3BO3 (99.9%), NH4H2PO4 (99.9%) and Eu2O3 (99.99%), and the charge compensator was supplied by Li2CO3 (99.9%), Na2CO3 (99.9%) or K2CO3 (99.9%). All the reagents were obtained from Tianjin Kermel Chemical Reagent Development Center (Tianjin, China). The molar ratio of Eu3+ ions to M2+ ions varied from 0.01 to 0.19. The staring reagents with appropriate stoichiometric ratio were put into an agate mortar and added 15 mL ethanol for the purpose of mixing the materials homogeneously. Then the mixture was pre-fired at 400°C for 3 h and subsequently at 900°C for 4 h in the air. Ultimately, the obtained red phosphor needed to be ground into powder for the purpose of latter measurement. Under some circumstances, Li2CO3, Na2CO3 or K2CO3 was moderately put in as charge compensator, respectively.
Structure analysis and luminescence measurement
The crystal structures of the samples were collected on a Bruker D8 x-ray powder diffractometer with a CuKa radiation (40 kv, 40 mA). A Hitachi U-4100 ultraviolet and visible spectrophotometer was used to measure the UV-Vis absorption spectra. A Hitachi F-4600 spectro-photometer with Xe (150 W) lamp excitation source was used to record the fluorescence spectra. The measurement of luminescence lifetime was conducted by utilizing an Edinburgh FLS920 luminescence spectrometer by the excitation source of 375 nm pulse laser radiation (nano-LED). All measurements were operated at ambient temperature (20°C).
Results and discussion
X-ray diffraction analysis
The crystal structure of the MBPO: 0.05Eu3+ phosphor was analyzed by the XRD. The diffraction patterns of the MBPO5 samples belonged to a pure hexagonal phase (space group: P6cc), which were consistent with the standard data of CaBPO5 (JCPDS card No.18-0283), SrBPO5 (JCPDS card No.18-1270) and BaBPO5 (JCPDS card No.19-0096). The diffraction peaks of MBPO5:0.05Eu3+ phosphors shifted slightly to the higher angle compared to the standard cards (Fig. 1a). The lattice constant decreased since the Eu3+ ions whose radius is smaller (r = 0.0947 nm) substituted for the Ca2+(r = 0.099 nm), Sr2+ (r = 0.112 nm) and Ba2+ ions (r = 0.135 nm), which matched with the diffraction equation 2d sin θ = k λ. According to the peak (110), the lattice constants of CBPO, SBPO and BBPO could be calculated to be 0.67, 0.68 and 0.70 nm, respectively. The increasing of lattice constants was attributed to the ionic radius increasing of matrix cations.
(A) (Color online) x-ray powder diffraction (XRD) patterns of MBPO: 0.05Eu3+ phosphor. (B) (Color online) Structure diagram of SBPO.
All the samples have similar structures. From the structure diagram of SBPO molecule, it could be seen that B3+ ions and P5+ ions formed BPO52- ionic group via O2, and Sr2+ ions combined with the BPO52- ionic group via O1 (Fig. 1b).
The electronic structure of SrPBO5
A plane-wave cutoff energy of 340 eV and a (4 × 4 × 4) Monkhorst-Pack k-point grid for integration were applied in computations. The convergence in energy, maximum force, maximum displacement, and maximum stress tolerances were set as 1.0 × 10−5 eV/atom, 0.03 eV/Å, 0.001Å, and 0.05 GPa, respectively. First principle calculation was carried out by the software CASTEP (14). A Vanderbilt-type ultra-soft pseudopotential formalism and exchange-correlation function founded on the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) in the scheme of Perdew-Burke-Eruzerhof (PBE) were applied to calculate the band structure and density of state. The calculated band structure of MBPO are shown in Figure 2a, b, c. It can be seen that MBPO belongs to direct optical band gap materials and the gap between the conduction band minimum (CBM) and the valence band maximum (VBM) are approximately 5.481, 5.498 and 5.604 eV for CBPO, SBPO and BBPO, respectively. The UV-Vis absorption spectra have also been studied, and the forbidden band gap has been calculated. The results are given in Supplementary Figure 1 (available online as supplementary material at For the sake of investigating the forbidden band gap of the prepared samples, the UV-Vis absorption spectra were converted to an absorption-equivalent spectra using Kubelka-Munk function (15). In the absorption-equivalent spectra, the x-axis represents the energy, and the intercept at x-axis is their forbidden bang gap. The intercepting points gave the band gap energies of CBPO, SBPO and BBPO to be 5.499, 5.516 and 5.659 eV, respectively. It could be seen from that the forbidden band gaps are successively broadening, which matches with the result in Figure 2a, b, c. The broad band gap energy indicated that this material can be used as a matrix of phosphor.
(A-C) Band structures of MBPO. (D-F) Total and partial densities of states of MBPO.
According to the report of Xiaocheng Zeng et al (16), the electron-occupied 4f energy levels of Eu located within the band gap of host, while the empty 5d levels are just above the CBM, which indicated that the electronic transition between 4f and 5d levels of Eu induced the luminescence. Thus, MBPO belonged to the category of materials with broad band gaps that could be used as hosts of phosphors. The total and partial densities of states of MPBO showed that the upper valence band was dominated by 2p4 (O), 3p3 (P) and 2p1 (B) states, while the bottom of conduction band was mainly composed of 3p3 (P), 2p1 (B), 3d (Ca), 4d (Sr) and 5d (Ba) states, which indicated that different hosts contained different conduction band components. The dotted lines at x = 0 indicated the position of the Fermi level (Fig. 2d, e, f).
Excitation and emission spectra of MBPO: 0.05Eu3+
The near UV and UV excitation spectra of the three samples were similar, and the CBPO: 0.05Eu3+ was selected to be investigated for the excitation and emission spectra. All spectra contained a broad band from 200 to 300 nm and a battery of narrow bands from 300 to 450 nm. The former was ascribed to the charge transfer transition from the O2− (2p6) to the empty state of 4f7 in Eu3+ ion, while the latter excitation peaks at 317, 359, 379, 394 and 413 nm were ascribed to the transition of 7F0-5H5, 7F0-5D4, 7F0-5L7, 7F0-5L6, and 7F0-5D3, respectively. The strongest excitation peak lay at 394 nm, indicating that this phosphor could be excited by near UV light and well matched with the emission of near UV chips (Fig. 3a).
(A) Excitation spectrum of MBPO: 0.05Eu3+ phosphor monitoring for 594 nm. (B) Emission spectrum of MBPO: 0.05Eu3+ phosphor. (C) Decay curve of MBPO: 0.05Eu3+ phosphor. (D) The chromaticity coordinates of the MBPO: 0.05Eu3+ phosphors.
The emission spectra of MBPO: 0.05Eu3+ phosphor excited by 394 nm showed that the characteristic emission bands of the samples located in the region of 550-700 nm, which was corresponding to the transitions of 5D0→7FJ (J = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4) of Eu3+ (4f6) (17). The main emission peaks located at 590 nm (5D0-7F0), 594 nm (5D0-7F1), 614 nm (5D0-7F2), 654 nm (5D0-7F3), 687 and 700 nm (5D0-7F4), respectively. The emission intensity excited by 394 nm was the strongest, which indicated that the phosphor could be excited by near UV light (Fig. 3b).
It also can be seen that the emission induced by the transition from 5D0 to 7F1 (594 nm) was strongest among that of others (Fig. 3b). The transition of 5D0-7F1 was permitted for the magnetic dipole transition and faintly influenced by the symmetry of the Eu3+ site. However, the 5D0-7F2 transition was parity-forbidden electric dipole transition and sensitive to the site symmetry of Eu3+ ions (18). In this case, the intensity ratio of the orange (5D0-7F1) to the red (5D0-7F2) transition (O/R) for CBPO:Eu3+, SBPO:Eu3+ and BBPO:Eu3+ phosphors were 3.58, 3.4 and 2.78, respectively, which suggested that Eu3+ ions occupied the inversion center sites in these three kinds of phosphors and the phosphors with different hosts rendered different colors.
The impact of Eu3+ concentration on the emission intensity of MBPO: xEu3+ phosphor
The relationship between emission intensity of M1-x BPO5:xEu3+ phosphor and molar fraction of Eu3+ ions is revealed in inset of Figure 3b, in which the experimental data were denoted with pentagrams and the fitting curve was marked with red line. The intensity of emission increases with the concentration of Eu3+ ions. However, the concentration quench does not appear till the molar fraction of Eu3+ ions reach 0.19, which is due to the distance of the Eu3+ ions, is enough far that the reaction between them could be ignored. In addition, the emission intensity increases very slowly and still has no concentration quench when the molar fraction of Eu3+ ions exceed 0.19.
The decay curve of MBPO:0.05Eu3+ phosphor
The decay curve for 5D0-7F1 transition (594 nm) of Eu3+ ions was measured. As shown in Figure 3c, the decay curves consisted of two straight lines with different slopes and could be matched by a second-exponential function:
I(t) =A1 exp(−t/τ1) +A2 exp(−t/τ2) Eq. [1]
where A1 and A2 are pre-exponential factors, and τ1 and τ2 are the decay times of Eu3+ ions in two different sites, respectively. The average decay time (τ) of the three samples could be calculated by the following formula:
τ= (A1τ12+A2τ22)/(A1τ1+A2τ2) Eq. [2]
The average decay time was similar to other phosphors doped with Eu3+ ions, which indicated that Eu3+ ions occupied the same sites in the three crystal lattices (Tab. I) (19, 20).
The decay times (τ) of three samples
τ1 (ms)
τ2 (ms)
τ (ms)
The CIE constant of MBPO: 0.05 Eu3+ phosphor
Figure 3d gives the CIE constant of MBPO: 0.05Eu3+ phosphor. Excited at 394 nm, the chromaticity coordinates of the CBPO:0.05Eu3+, SBPO:0.05Eu3+ and BBPO:0.05Eu3+ phosphors are (0.619, 0.380), (0.610, 0.371), (0.621, 0.386), respectively. The results prove that these phosphors are similar to those of Sr1-xCaxSiN3:Eu2+ red materials (0.647, 0.347) (21) and the National Television System Committee (NTSC) for the red phosphor (0.670, 0.330), which could be considered as red phosphor for near-UV LEDs or make up for the blue chip-based LEDs.
The effect of charge compensator on the intensity of emission of MBPO:0.05Eu3+ phosphor
Take the valence and electro-negativity into consideration, Eu3+ ions would substitute for partial M2+ ions. Due to the imbalance charge between Eu3+ ions and M2+ ions, adding alkali ions as charge compensators is essential. The alkali ions (Li+, Na+ and K+) would affect the emission intensities. The emission intensity of MBPO: 0.05Eu3+, 0.05Li+ was the strongest (Fig. 4a), which maybe because Li+ ion radius (0.102 nm) is less than those of Na+ and K+ ions, and could enter the crystal lattice easily. The microscopic mechanism of charge compensation including the defect reaction resulted from the elimination of the lattice distortion and the reduction of the lattice center symmetry, which enhanced the red emission.
(A) Emission spectra of MBPO: 0.05Eu3+ phosphor prepared with different charge compensator. (B) Luminescence image of MBPO: 0.05Eu3+ phosphor prepared with different charge compensator under UV light.
In summary, Eu3+ doped MBPO phosphor was successfully synthesized by solid state method with high temperature. Their structure was confirmed by the XRD patterns. The electric structure of SBPO demonstrated that this material was a better host material for phosphor. The band gap energies of CBPO:Eu3+, SBPO:Eu3+ and BBPO:Eu3+ were calculated to be 5.499, 5.516 and 5.659 eV, respectively, according to the absorption spectra. And the gap between CBM and VBM are about 5.481, 5.498 and 5.604 eV for CBPO, SBPO and BBPO, respectively. The phosphors could be excited by near UV light of 394 nm and emitted red light. The emission intensity at 594 nm was stronger than that of 614 nm. By using different alkali metal ions (like Li+, Na+ and K+) as charge compensators, the luminescent results indicated the charge compensator with smaller radius could enhance the luminescent intensity of the phosphors. The results indicated that MBPO: Eu3+ phosphor was a good red phosphor candidate for near UV or blue light-based white LED.
Financial support: This work is financially supported by the National Science Foundation of China (No.61205180), Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province (Grants No. E2012201087), the first batch of young talent support plan of Hebei Province, the distinguished young scholars of Hebei University (2012JQ01) and Natural Science Foundation of Hebei University (Grants No. 3333112). We also appreciate the financial support from the Midwest universities comprehensive strength promotion project.
Conflict of interest: None of the authors has financial interest related to this study to disclose.
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Hebei Key Laboratory of Optic-Electronic Information and Materials, College of Physics Science and Technology, Hebei University, Baoding - PR China
Xu Li and Li Guan contributed equally to this work
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