First-principles calculation of adsorption of shale gas on CaCO3 (100) surfaces
To demonstrate the adsorption strength of shale gas to calcium carbonate in shale matrix, the adsorption of shale gas on CaCO3 (100) surfaces was studied using the first-principles method, which is based on the density functional theory (DFT).
The structures and electronic properties of CH4, C2H6, CO2 and N2 molecules were calculated by the generalized gradient approximation (GGA), for a coverage of 1 monolayer (ML). Under the same conditions, the density of states (DOS) of CaCO3 (100) surfaces before and after the adsorption of shale gas molecules at high-symmetry adsorption sites were compared.
The results showed that the adsorption energies of CH4, C2H6, CO2 and N2 on CaCO3 (100) surfaces were between 0.2683 eV and -0.7388 eV. When a CH4 molecule was adsorbed at a hollow site and its 2 hydrogen atoms were parallel to the long diagonal (H3) on the CaCO3 (100) surface, it had the most stable adsorption, and the adsorption energy was only -0.4160 eV. The change of adsorption energy of CH4 was no more than 0.0535 eV. Compared with the DOS distribution of CH4 before adsorption, it shifted to the left overall after adsorption. At the same time, the partial density of states (PDOS) curves of CaCO3 (100) surfaces before and after adsorption basically overlapped.
This work showed that the adsorption effect of shale gas on calcium carbonate is very weak, and the adsorption is physisorption at the molecular level.
Qiang Luo, Yikun Pan, Ping Guo, Zhouhua Wang, Na Wei, Pengfei Sun, Yuxiao Liu
Article History
• Accepted on 17/03/2017
• Available online on 29/05/2017
• Published online on 16/06/2017
Financial support: This work was supported by the Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant no. 51204141), the Major Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant no. 51374179), the Southwest Petroleum University Foundation (grant no. 2014QHS009, 2015JXYJ-07) and the Open Research Fund of the Computational Physics Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province (grant no. JSWL2014KF03).
Conflict of interest: The authors declare they have no conflicts of interest.
Shale gas, as one of the global unconventional natural gases, has received extensive attention around the world. The United States and Canada have achieved commercial exploitation of shale gas with good results. China has done a lot of work with respect to shale gas research status, reservoiring mechanisms and favorable-area evaluation, but the study of the adsorption of shale gas was only just initiated in recent years (1, 2). The development from conventional oil and gas fields to shale gas fields actually reflects the scale transition from micron to nanometer, and macroscopic breakthroughs have become increasingly dependent on microscopic studies. Therefore, it becomes particularly important to improve our microscopic understanding by using new theories and methods (3). Moreover, the study of shale gas molecule adsorption on shale substrate surfaces helps to understand the occurrence of shale gas, to assess the gas adsorption capacity quantitatively, to explore the correlation of adsorption properties and mineral composition and to evaluate the quantity of shale gas as a natural resource.
Shale gas is generally dry and mainly consists of CH4, C2H6, CO2, N2 and other components, with the content of CH4 up to more than 95% (4, 5). The adsorption of shale gas and shale has been investigated through a large number of experimental and theoretical studies (6-7-8-9-10-11-12). Most of the theoretical studies show that shale gas is mainly absorbed on the surface of the kerogen and clay minerals, and is almost not adsorbed at all on the surface of calcium carbonate (13-14-15-16). Ji et al (5) studied methane adsorption on clay minerals of different sources and origins by isothermal adsorption experiment. The results showed that different types of clay minerals had evidently different gas adsorption capacities. However, there is no direct evidence of very weak gas adsorption on the surface of calcium carbonate.
At the same time, the first-principles method is used to study the adsorption of gas molecules on material surface (17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26), but there are few reports about the adsorption of gas molecules on the surface of calcium carbonate. Based on density functional theory with solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (SS-NMR) calculations, Bevilaqua et al (27) simulated the adsorption of hydrocarbon molecules on calcite surface (CaCO3(10Ī4)), but the adsorption of shale gas was not studied. In this paper, we adopted the first-principles method based on density functional theory (DFT) to study the adsorption stability of shale gas and its components at different high-symmetry positions on CaCO3 (100) surfaces. By analyzing the adsorption results, such as the adsorption energy of gas molecules and the structure and electronic properties of CaCO3 (100) surfaces, we uncovered the microscopic mechanisms of shale gas adsorption on CaCO3 surfaces.
Computational methods
Based on the first-principle method of DFT (28, 29), the ground state geometries and electronic properties of CH4, C2H6, CO2 and N2 molecules adsorbed on CaCO3 (100) were calculated using the Cambridge Sequential Total Energy Package (CASTEP) module in Materials Studio. Within the generalized gradient approximation (GGA), Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) (30) exchange correlation functionals combined with ultrasoft pseudopotentials were used in the calculations. The value of plane wave cutoff energy was 300 eV. The K point grid (31) size was 3 × 1 × 1. Self-consistent field calculations were performed with a convergence criterion of 2.0 × 10-6 eV on single atom energy. The convergence of parameters was tested for each supercell. The Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) optimization algorithm proposed by Broyden, was used in the structure optimization (32-33-34-35).
Structural models
In this paper, the P (1 × 1) periodic supercell is used as the initial surface. Under the coverage of 1 monolayer (ML), the adsorption of CH4, C2H6, CO2 and N2 on the surface was theoretically studied for each. First, an optimized CaCO3 unit cell (Fig. 1) was cleaved for a (100) surface. Then a vacuum layer of 2-nm thickness was constructed to simulate the CaCO3 (100) surface (Fig. 2). Finally, the CaCO3 (100) structure was optimized. We focused on shale gas molecule adsorption on CaCO3 (100) surfaces. Therefore, in the structural optimization computation, the position of oxygen atoms was kept on the surface layer, and the number of adsorbed of shale gas molecules was variable, whereas the atoms of the non–surface layer were immobilized. We adopted such a setting to simulate the adsorption of CaCO3 on shale gas molecules in order to reduce the number of calculations and to exclude the effect of substrate thickness. The initial lattice constant of calcium carbonate was an experimental value for, a = 0.499 nm, c = 1.7061 nm (36). After optimization, the lattice constant was a = 0.499 nm, c = 1.7060 nm. The gas molecules were added on the CaCO3 (100) surface to a height of 0.5 nm.
Structural model of an optimized CaCO3 cell with oxygen atoms (red), calcium atoms (green) and carbon atoms (gray).
Structural model of a CaCO3 (100) surface supercell with vacuum layer.
In the structural model of CaCO3 (100) surface supercell, there were 3 possible high-symmetry adsorption sites, the top (T), the bridge (B) and the hollow (H) part, in a parallelogram consisting of 4 oxygen atoms of surface (Fig. 3). The bridges included the short-side bridge (B1) and the long-side bridge (B2).
High-symmetry adsorption site on p (1 × 1) CaCO3 (100) surface: top (T), short-side bridge (B1), long-side bridge (B2) and hollow (H).
Due to the nature of parallelogram geometry, each gas molecule had 4 types of adsorption forms in the CaCO3 (100) surface H site. As shown in Figure 4 H1 was parallel to the short edge of the parallelogram, H2 was parallel to the short diagonal, H3 was parallel to the long diagonal and H4 was parallel to the long edge. Similarly, T-type sites were denoted by T1, T2, T3 and T4, and B-type sites were mainly related to the situation in which the adsorption of gas molecules was parallel to the short edge or long edge, and were designated as B11, B14, B21 and B24. Therefore, taking all of the possibilities into account, each gas species of CH4, C2H6, CO2 and N2 had 12 adsorption modes on the CaCO3 (100) surface.
Adsorption directions of H site.
To analyze the adsorption stability of shale gas molecules on CaCO3 (100) surfaces, the adsorption energy of gas molecules on CaCO3 (100) surfaces was calculated. The total energy of the system before adsorption was obtained by calculating the energy of CaCO3 (100) surfaces and gas molecules. Then in the same way, the total energy of the system was calculated after adsorption. The equation to calculate the adsorption energy is given by
ΔEad=Egas+CaCO3−(ECaCO3+Egas) Eq. [1]
where Egas+CaCO3 is the total energy of the system after gas adsorption, ECaCO3 is the energy of pure CaCO3 without the gas molecule, and Egas is the energy of the isolated shale gas molecule. The value of ∆Ead reflects the stability of the adsorption system. ∆Ead < 0 means that the energy of the system decreases after adsorption, and the gas molecules are adsorbed. The adsorption process is exothermic. ∆Ead > 0 means that the energy of the system increases, and the gas molecules cannot be adsorbed (37). A smaller value of ∆Ead indicates better stability of the adsorption system.
Results and discussion
Analysis of adsorption energy
Table I lists the adsorption energy of CH4, C2H6, CO2 and N2 molecules on CaCO3 (100) surfaces in the 12 adsorption modes. CH4, C2H6 and N2 molecules had negative ∆Ead, and the lowest adsorption energy was -0.4160 eV, -0.7388 eV and -0.1567 eV, respectively. The adsorption capacity of 3 kinds of gases on the surface of calcium carbonate follows the order of C2H6 > CH4 > N2. However, the ∆Ead of CO2 was positive, which means that CO2 molecule cannot be adsorbed on the surface of calcium carbonate. Therefore, the adsorption of CO2 is not discussed in the following.
Adsorption energy of CH4, C2H6, CO2 and N2 molecules on 12 types of adsorption sites on CaCO3 (100) surfaces
High-symmetry sites
Adsorption energy (eV)
T1 = on the top site and parallel to the short edge of the parallelogram; T2 = on the top site and parallel to the short diagonal; T3 = on the top site and parallel to the long diagonal; T4 = on the top site and parallel to the long edge; B11 = on the short side bridge site and parallel to the short edge; B14 = on the short-side bridge site and parallel to the long edge; B21 = on the long-side bridge site and parallel to the short edge; B24 = on the long-side bridge site and parallel to the long edge; H1 = on the hollow site and parallel to the short edge of the parallelogram; H2 = on the hollow site and parallel to the short diagonal; H3 = on the hollow site and parallel to the long diagonal; H4 = on the hollow site and parallel to the long edge.
Since the percentage of CH4 is dominant in shale gas, the adsorption energy of CH4 molecular was compared for different adsorption sites to analyze the stability of shale gas molecules adsorbed on CaCO3 (100) surfaces, as shown in Figure 5. It can be seen that CH4 molecules had the lowest ∆Ead at the H3 site.
Bar chart of adsorption energy of CH4 at various adsorption sites on the CaCO3 (100) surface.
From the point of view of the quantity of adsorption energy, CH4 molecules had a minimum adsorption energy of -0.4160 eV on H3, which was the most stable adsorption structure among the 12 high-symmetry sites (Fig. 6). Therefore, it is relatively easier for CH4 molecules to be adsorbed on H3. When adsorbed on T2, CH4 molecules had a maximum energy of -0.3625 eV, which means that it was most difficult for T2 to adsorb CH4 molecules. Similarly, C2H6 molecules had their minimum adsorption energy and most stable adsorption structure at B14, which was the position for easiest adsorption. B24 had the maximum energy and the most unstable adsorption structure. At T2, N2 molecules had their minimum adsorption energy, and could be easily adsorbed at T2. B21 was the most difficult position to adsorb N2 molecules. The small absolute values of adsorption energy indicate very weak adsorption of CH4, C2H6 and N2 molecules on CaCO3 (100) surfaces.
Structural model of CH4 molecule adsorbed at H3 site on CaCO3 (100) surface.
In terms of the range of adsorption energies, the adsorption energy of CH4 at different sites ranged from -0.3625 eV to -0.4160 eV, with the largest difference being only 0.0535 eV. Besides, the largest differences of the adsorption energy ranges for C2H6 and N2 molecules were only 0.1177 eV and 0.0762 eV, respectively. The range of adsorption energies was very small, which indicates that the adsorption of each gas molecule at the high-symmetry sites on CaCO3 (100) surfaces was very similar, and the gas molecules tended to move on the calcium carbonate surfaces. By comparison, it is known that the mobility of CH4 is the strongest.
Analysis of physical structure
In Table II we can see that after CH4 molecules were adsorbed at H3 sites, the C-H bond length became 0.1097 nm, which is in good agreement with the experimentally spectroscopic data of 0.1086 ± 0.0001 nm (38). Compared with the value before adsorption, the bond length changed by 0.091%, and bond angle changed by 0.779%.
Changes of bond length and bond angle of CH4, C2H6 and N2 molecules on CaCO3 (100) surfaces after adsorption
Gas type
Before adsorption
After adsorption*
Relative change
Bond length† (nm)
Bond angle‡(°)
Bond length (nm)
Bond angle (°)
Bond length
Bond angle
* Situation for the most stable adsorption position.
† The bond lengths were C-H for CH4, C = C for C2H6, N ≡ N for N2.
‡ The bond angles were C-H for CH4 and C2H6, N ≡ N for N2.
Similarly, the physical structure was analyzed for C2H6 and N2 before and after adsorption. The relative changes were 1.422% and 1.400% for C=C bond length and H-C-H bond angle of C2H6, respectively. The N≡N bond length increased by 1.396% after N2 was adsorbed. It was found that the structures of CH4, C2H6 and N2 molecules showed negligible changes, so the adsorption effect was weak on the CaCO3 (100) surface.
Analysis of density of states
The CASTEP module can analyze the band structure, electronic density of states (DOS), optical properties, phonon dispersion relations, phonon DOS and stress before and after the optimization of the physical model. Here we mainly discuss the electronic DOS changes and their effect on adsorption. According to the analysis of the DOS changes for CH4, C2H6, N2 and CaCO3 (100) surfaces before and after adsorption, the interactions between shale gas molecules and CaCO3 (100) surface can be further understood.
In Figure 7 the DOS of CH4 before and after adsorption at H3 and T2 is compared. The black curve represents the electronic DOS before adsorption, the red curve represents the electronic DOS after adsorption at H3, and the blue curve represents the electronic DOS after adsorption at T2. The vertical dashed line at 0 eV indicates the Fermi level. It can be seen that whether adsorbed at H3 or T2, the electron DOS curves of CH4 molecules shifted to the left overall after adsorption. The adsorption energy decreased, and the electronic structure became more stable, which shows that the adsorption had a significant influence on the distribution of electron DOS of CH4 molecules. Besides, the DOS curve of H3 has 2 peaks, at -12.77 eV and -5.18 eV, which move to the left about 0.3 eV compared with those of T2 at -12.47 eV and -4.88 eV. It is thus proven that the adsorption of CH4 molecules on CaCO3 (100) surface high-symmetry sites is basically from the point of view of electronic structure, and has better mobility on the surface of the calcium carbonate.
Density of states (DOS) of CH4 molecules before and after adsorption at H3 site and T2 site. The black dotted line indicates the Fermi level.
Figure 8 shows the partial density of states (PDOS) of oxygen atoms in CaCO3 (100) surface before and after the adsorption of CH4 molecules at H3 under the coverage of 1 ML. The contribution of s electronic states and p electronic states to the total density of states in energy regions is different. When the energy is greater than -10 eV, the p electronic states (red curve) play a major role in the total electron density. When the energy is less than -10 eV, the s electronic states (blue curve) play a major role in the total electron density. Before adsorption, the s electronic states energy is mainly continuously distributed in the ranges of 0 eV to -9 eV and -17 eV to -24 eV, and there are 7 peaks in the 2 intervals. While p electronic states energy is mainly continuously distributed in the ranges of 2 eV to -9 eV and -17 eV to -24 eV, and there are 9 peaks in the 2 intervals. After adsorption, the PDOS of s electronic state of oxygen atoms basically coincides with that of the state before adsorption, as does that of the p Electronic State. This suggests that there is no chemical bond formed between CH4 molecules and the oxygen atoms on CaCO3 (100) surfaces. This indicates that the adsorption of CH4 on calcium carbonate surfaces is mainly affected by the Van Der Waals force, and it is physical adsorption. To better illustrate this point, we compared the DOS of CaCO3 (100) surfaces with the different shale gas molecules adsorbed, as shown in Figure 9.
Partial density of states (PDOS) and density of states (DOS) of oxygen atoms in CaCO3 (100) surface before and after the adsorption of CH4 molecules on the H3 site. (A) Before adsorption and (B) after adsorption.
Density of states (DOS) of oxygen atoms on CaCO3 (100) surface after the adsorption of CH4, C2H6 and N2 molecules at the most stable adsorption sites.
Figure 9 presents the DOS of CH4, C2H6 and N2 adsorbed on a CaCO3 (100) surface. We can see that the adsorption of different gas molecules on the CaCO3 (100) surface has similar effects on the electronic structure of the oxygen atom on the CaCO3 (100) surface. After adsorption, the 3 DOS curves almost overlap, indicating that C2H6 and N2 molecules have similar adsorption effects on oxygen atoms on the CaCO3 (100) surface to those of the CH4 molecule, and the adsorption of the 3 kinds of gas molecules on the CaCO3 (100) surface are physical.
Using the first-principle method based on DFT, we established adsorption models for CH4, C2H6, CO2 and N2 on CaCO3 (100) surfaces, and calculated the corresponding adsorption energies. The adsorption abilities of CH4, C2H6 and N2 molecules on the CaCO3 (100) surface were weak. CO2 molecules could not be adsorbed. The adsorption abilities of the different molecules were different. The adsorption ability of hydrocarbon gas was stronger than that of nonhydrocarbon gas, and the adsorption ability of C2H6 was stronger than that of CH4. In addition, the adsorption energy of different gas molecules varied over the range of sites and followed the order of CH4 <N2 <C2H6. The change of CH4 was the smallest, indicating the best mobility of CH4 molecules on the surface of calcium carbonate. This may be due to the fact that the methane molecule has the smallest relative molecular mass.
We also analyzed the electronic structures of the adsorption systems. After adsorption, the changes of geometric structures of the molecules were small and the electron DOS of atoms in the CaCO3 (100) surface was basically unchanged. The findings above show that the adsorption of shale gas molecules on the surface of calcium carbonate is physical.
The authors would like to acknowledge the assistance of A.P. Li P. Chen for English correction.
Financial support: This work was supported by the Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant no. 51204141), the Major Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant no. 51374179), the Southwest Petroleum University Foundation (grant no. 2014QHS009, 2015JXYJ-07) and the Open Research Fund of the Computational Physics Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province (grant no. JSWL2014KF03).
Conflict of interest: The authors declare they have no conflicts of interest.
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School of Science, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu - PR China
State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu - PR China
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