Low temperature properties of UV aged asphalts containing layered double hydroxides modifier
In recent years, ultraviolet (UV) ageing of asphalt has attracted worldwide attention from researchers in the asphalt field. The UV radiation can result in the ageing of asphalt and thus influence its performance. So far, a variety of UV blocking materials have been investigated.
In this paper, layered double hydroxides (LDHs) were introduced as the UV blocking materials into three different asphalts (S70, S90 and SBS modified asphalt).
The low temperature properties, such as equivalent breaking point (EBP) and fatigue factor were tested and applied to estimate the UV blocking effects of LDHs on asphalts.
The experimental results demonstrated that LDHs could effectively reduce the ageing index of S70 and S90, and lower the degradation rate of SBS modifier.
Wenbo Zeng, Shaopeng Wu, Yue Xiao, Zongwu Chen, Yihan Sun
Article History
• Accepted on 06/05/2016
• Available online on 23/06/2016
• Published online on 04/07/2016
Financial support: This work was financially supported by National Project of Scientific and Technical Supporting Programs funded by International S&T; Cooperation Program of China (No. 2013DFE83100), the Science and Technology Plan Projects of the Ministry of Transport of China (No. 2013 318 811 250) and the National Key Scientific Apparatus Development Program from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (No. 2013YQ160501).
Conflict of interest: None of the authors has financial interest related to this study to disclose.
Due to the comfort and smoothness that asphalt pavement displays, it has been the optimal choice for expressway construction for many decades. However, the ageing of asphalt during its service period leads to a shorter lifespan of the pavement. The surface temperature of asphalt pavement may get very high in summer because of its high solar radiation absorption coefficient (1). And some complex physical and chemical reactions occur during asphalt ageing process, which results in a harder and more brittle asphalt. As a consequence, cracks caused by fatigue and temperature are more likely to appear on the pavement surface (2, 3). Asphalt on the surface of pavement would experience both thermal and UV ageing during its service period, which leads to the changes of its chemical structure, morphology and component (4). Therefore, it is urgent to develop methods in order to prevent asphalt ageing.
The topic regarding improvement of thermal-oxidative ageing resistance has been investigated by many researchers. For instance, Ouyang et al studied zinc dialkyldithiophosphate (ZDDP) and zinc dibutyldithiocarbamate (ZDBC), and found that these additives could improve the ageing resistance of asphalt (4, 5). Apeagyei et al also reported that antioxidant-treated binders could slow down asphalt ageing (6). However, these materials cannot improve the anti-UV ageing properties because the mechanisms of thermal-oxidative ageing and UV-oxidative ageing are different. Layered double hydroxide (LDH) is a promising UV blocking and absorbing material, which has been introduced in asphalt previously by Wu et al and Liu et al (7, 8). These researches were focused on the rheological properties and fatigue properties of the LDH-modified asphalt and its mixture. Moreover, they also used LDH to reduce volatile organic compound (VOC) emission from bituminous materials (9). However, until now, results concerning the low temperature properties like fatigue factor (FF) and equivalent breaking point (EBP) of the LDH-modified asphalt are rare. Therefore, in this paper, the low temperature properties (i.e. FF and EBP) were investigated.
Base asphalts with 60/80 penetration (pen) grade (S70), 80/100 pen grade (S90), and SBS-modified asphalt (SA) were studied in this research. The softening point, penetration, ductility, viscosity of the three applied asphalts are shown in Table I. LDH is a layered material that displays a special 2D-organized structure, and the specific formula of LDH used in this paper is: Mg2/3Al1/3(OH)2(CO3)1/6•H2O
Physical properties of BA and SA
Physical properties
SA = SBS-modified asphalt; BA = Base asphalt.
Softening point (°C)
Penetration (25°C, 0.1 mm)
Ductility (5°C, 1 cm)
Viscosity (60°C, pa ⋅ s)
Viscosity (135°C, pa ⋅ s)
Preparation of the LDH-modified asphalt
A high shear mixer was applied to prepare the LDH-modified asphalt, and the mass ratio of LDH was 3%. Firstly, asphalt was heated to 150oC in a mixing container, then a certain amount of LDH was added into asphalt. LDHs and asphalt binder were sheared at a rotation speed of 3500 rev/min with the temperature ranging from 145oC to 155oC. Finally, 60 min later, the LDH-modified asphalt was successfully created. Pristine asphalts (SA70, SA90, SA) also experienced the same preparation process. In this paper, abbreviations like SL70, SL90 and SL are used, which represent the LDH-modified S70, LDH-modified S90 and LDH-modified SA, respectively.
Ageing procedure
Consistent with ASTM D 1754, thermal ageing in the mix process was carried out by thin film oven test (TFOT). Then the residuals of the samples from TFOT were placed in a UV chamber to simulate the UV ageing on pavement. The UV density in this ageing procedure was controlled within 500 ± 5 uw/cm2, and the weight of asphalt in the ageing iron pan (Φ150 ± 0.5 mm) was 50 g. In order to ensure the same ageing conditions for different asphalt samples, in this procedure, a rotary table was applied to hold the samples and a constant temperatures of 60°C was selected. Here, ST70, ST90, ST, SLT70, SLT90, and SLT are the abbreviations of residues of S70, S90, SA, LDH-modified S70, LDH-modified S90, and LDH-modified SA from TFOT ageing, while SU70, SU90, SU, SLU70, SLU90, and SLU are the abbreviations of residues of S70, S90, SA, LDH-modified S70, LDH-modified S90, and LDH-modified SA from UV ageing.
Physical property tests
The penetration (15°C, 25°C and 30°C, 0.1 mm) and softening point (°C) of the binders were tested in accordance with the standards ASTM D564 and ASTM D3626, respectively. Equivalent brittle point (T1.2) was calculated based on the penetration (Pen.) at 15°C, 25°C and 30°C.
Dynamic shear rheometer (DSR)
The fatigue factor of asphalts after both TFOT ageing and UV ageing were tested by the DSR (MCR101, Anton Paar, Austria). Strain-controlled mode was used in temperature sweep test with a constant frequency of 10 rad/s. During the test, the temperature was raised from 10°C to 30°C with an increment of 2°C per minute. Besides, plates with Φ8 mm and 2 mm gap were adopted.
Results and discussions
Equivalent brittle point (T1.2)
Brittle point is usually applied to evaluate the cracking temperature of asphalt. However, the repeatability of brittle point results is not always ideal, and in some parallel tests the error of the test results for the same asphalt sample is too large to be tolerated. According to BEP, equivalent brittle temperature (T1.2) could be calculated, since T1.2 also evaluates the cracking temperature of asphalt and its error is smaller than that of brittle point. In this research, T1.2 is used to study the properties of aged and non-aged LDH-modified asphalt at low temperatures. Figure 1 shows the linear fitting curves between Log (Pen.) and temperature for three different samples (SLU70, SLU90, SLU). It can be seen that the R2 values of all the three equations are above 0.995, and according to these equations, T1.2 for each sample can be calculated.
Linear fitting between penetration (Pen.) and temperature.
It can be seen from Table II that T1.2 of SLU70 and SLU90 are lower than that of SU70 and SU90, which means the anti-cracking properties of SLU70 and SLU90 are better than those of SU70 and SU90. From the statistics of ∆T1.2, after UV ageing, ∆T1.2 between SL70 and SL90 are much smaller than that between S70 and S90, indicating that LDHs could decrease the ageing rate when asphalt experience undergoes the UV ageing process. Interestingly, T1.2 of SU is even lower than that of ST. As we know, ageing will lead to hardening of asphalt binders and thus increase T1.2. The reason why it shows a reduced T1.2 might be explained by the degradation of SBS modifier induced by the UV radiation. The degradation of SBS modifier could soften asphalt binders, thus resulting in a lower T1.2. And for the same reason, ∆T1.2 of SLU is much larger than that of SU, which also implies that LDHs could slower the degradation of SBS modifier in asphalt binders.
Fitted equation and T1.2 of aged and non-aged asphalts
LDHs = layered double hydroxide; SBS = styrene-butadiene-styrene; TFOT = thin field oven test.
Y = 0.0543X + 0.1511
Y = 0.0502X + 0.4037
Y = 0.0411X + 0.5661
Y = 0.0439X + 0.6695
Y = 0.0442X + 0.478
Y = 0.0385X + 0.6725
Y = 0.435X + 0.4881
Y = 0.0427X + 0.574
Y = 0.0476X + 0.4324
Y = 0.0445X + 0.6253
Y = 0.0353X + 0.7057
Y = 0.0376X + 0.6801
Fatigue factor (FF)
According to the Strategic Highway Research program (SHRP), the FF can be applied to estimate fatigue cracking property of asphalt at low temperatures. A higher FF means poorer fatigue cracking property of asphalt. In the SHRP specification, the FF of pressurized ageing vessel (PAV) aged asphalt should be less than 5 Mpa at certain temperatures. As a consequence, in this paper, the temperature when FF reaches 5 Mpa is treated as the FF temperature (FFT). A higher FFT indicates a more severe ageing degree obtained during the UV ageing process.
Figure 2 shows that FF of SLU90 is lower than that of SU90. The FFT of SLU90 is 19.3°C, and the FFT of SU90 is 20.5°C, the difference of FFT between SLU90 and SLT90 is 0.7°C, which is 1.4°C lower than the difference of FFT between SU90 and ST90. These results illustrate that LDHs modifier can remarkably reduce the ageing index of SL90 in the UV ageing process.
Complex modulus of UV aged and non-UV aged S90 and SL90.
Table III shows more statistical results about the FFT of UV aged and non-UV aged asphalts. Similar to the results of SL90, the FFT of SLU 70 is lower than that of SU70, and the ∆FFT between SLU70 and SLT70 is less than half of the ∆FFT between SU70 and ST70. It can be seen from the reduced ∆FFT that LDHs can significantly prevent the UV ageing degree of asphalt. However, the trend of change in FFT for SL is opposite to that for SL70 and SL90. After being UV aged, the FFT of SU is lower compared to that of ST. However, FFT of SLU shows a slight increase compared to that of SLT. The tendency is similar to the results of EBP. It can be also explained by the fact that the UV ageing results in deterioration of SBS modifier in asphalt, which makes ∆FFT between SU and ST negative. The ∆FFT between SLU and SLT is positive, which means that LDHs slows down the degradation of SBS modifier.
Fatigue factor temperature (FFT) of UV aged and non-UV aged S70, SL70, SBS and SL
FFT (°C)
∆FFT (°C)2
2∆FFT = FFT (UV aged sample)-FFT.
In our research, low temperature properties of LDH-modified asphalts were evaluated. Equivalent brittle point and fatigue factor were tested so as to estimate the blocking UV radiation effects of LDH-modified asphalts. According to the discussions above, conclusions can be drawn as follows:
For S70 and S90, the introduction of LDHs can ameliorate the low temperature properties of asphalt after the UV ageing process. Results of EBP and FF show that LDHs can reduce UV ageing index of S70 and S90.
Compared to S70 and S90, the results for SBS asphalt are quite different. The reduced EBP and FFT may indicate that UV ageing could improve the low temperature properties. However, in fact, the results should be explained by the degradation of SBS modifier. And LDHs decrease the degradation rate.
Financial support: This work was financially supported by National Project of Scientific and Technical Supporting Programs funded by International S&T; Cooperation Program of China (No. 2013DFE83100), the Science and Technology Plan Projects of the Ministry of Transport of China (No. 2013 318 811 250) and the National Key Scientific Apparatus Development Program from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (No. 2013YQ160501).
Conflict of interest: None of the authors has financial interest related to this study to disclose.
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State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architectures, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan - China
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