Purpose: To analyze in vitro, trough scanning electron microscope (SEM), the shaping ability of NRT NiTi rotary system (Mani, Inc, Toshigi-Ken, Japan). Methods: Ten extracted human teeth were cut at the level of the CEJ and prepared with Gates-Glidden burs 4-3-2 and NRT rotary files up to size #35. Irrigation was performed with 7.5 mL of 5% NaOCl and 7.5 mL of 10% EDTA during each canal instrumentation. Following the shaping sequence, a final irrigation was performed with EDTA followed by NaOCl, each left in situ for three minutes. Teeth were then fractured longitudinally, and the coronal, middle, and apical thirds of the canals were inspected with SEM. Three parameters, divided into four different levels (Alfa and Bravo, considered clinically acceptable; Charlie and Delta, considered clinically unacceptable), were used to score the canal morphology: presence and amount of smear layer; presence of organic and inorganic debris; surface profile. Results: SEM assessment revealed that in the coronal and middle third the majority of canals shaped with NRT rotary system presented a clinically acceptable surface. The apical third presented a higher amount of smear layer and dentinal debris instead, compared to the coronal and middle third.Conclusions: NRT files demonstrated that they provided good instrumentation of the coronal and middle third, while being unable to obtain a defects-free surface in the apical third.
J Appl Biomater Funct Mater 2012; 10(2): 136 - 140
Chiara Pirani, Alessio Buonavoglia, Pier Paolo Cirulli, Chiara Baroni, Stefano Chersoni
Article History
- • Accepted on 15/06/2011
- • Available online on 22/06/2012
- • Published online on 27/09/2012
This article is available as full text PDF.
- Pirani, Chiara
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Endodontics Unit, Department of Odontostomatological Sciences, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Bologna - Italy
- Buonavoglia, Alessio
[Google Scholar]
Endodontics Unit, Department of Odontostomatological Sciences, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Bologna - Italy
- Cirulli, Pier Paolo
[Google Scholar]
Endodontics Unit, Department of Odontostomatological Sciences, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Bologna - Italy
- Baroni, Chiara
[Google Scholar]
Endodontics Unit, Department of Odontostomatological Sciences, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, ?Bologna - Italy
- Chersoni, Stefano
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Endodontics Unit, Department of Odontostomatological Sciences, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, ?Bologna - Italy
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