Author FAQ
How do I prepare my manuscript for submission?
Each journal has its own guidelines and instructions. You should always refer to the Instructions to Authors and follow them precisely.
You will also find additional resources on the area “For Authors” on the Journal’s website.
How can I submit my paper?
Depending on the publication, you wil need to submit your manuscript to the Editorial Office's email address.
Always carefully review the submission instructions.
I have changed my email address: what should I do?
If you change your email address, you should notify the Journal, so that all information is forwarded to you promptly and correctly.
How can I contact the Journal Editors?
Each journal has a Contact information page. Additionally, each Author area includes information for the Editorial Office, for quick reference.
Are my figures suitable for publication?
Each Journal’s Instructions to Authors include the basic information on the format required by your Journal’s figures. Figures should generally be submitted in print resolution, as a .jpg or .tif format; each figure must be submitted separately and NOT within the manuscript.
Figure legends must be included in the manuscript.
Please also refer to our Guide to Good Artwork.
How “big” can my figures be?
We only need your figures to be about 10-15 cm at the base; they will be resized to column width by our technical staff.
The maximum size is 10 Mb.
Should I include my figures in the manuscript file?
No, you must always submit them separately as .jpg or tif file, unless your Journal specifically asks for a single submission file.
Do I need to submit a cover letter?
Always refer to your Journal’s Instructions to Authors. Most do not require a cover letter and you should refrain from using it.
Does my Journal accept LaTeX manuscripts?
No, we regret that none of our Journals accepts LaTeX manuscripts. You should submit your manuscript as Word file.
How should I submit my tables?
We usually require tables in the manuscript file, after the references.
For a guide on how to prepare your tables please see our Guide to Good Tables.
I have problems sending my figures: what should I do?
The most common problem is the size: if your figure is too large, it may not be delivered. Please reduce their size.
Can I use any font I like in my figures?
We recommend that you use ARIAL. This creates less problems during production.
How do I know the status of my submitted paper?
To find out where in the review process your submission is, you must contact the Editorial Office. Contact information is available on each Journal’s website.
I must submit a revised version of my manuscript: How do I do it?
When the Editor handling your submission decides on a revision, you will receive an email which will include all Reviewer’s comments.
Revise your original manuscript according to the reviewer’s suggestions and resend it to the Journal office. Always follow strictly the instructions you receive with your revision letter.
How can I find out the status of my accepted paper?
If your paper has been accepted, you should contact the Production Editor responsible for its publication process. Each journal’s website features a contact page with the contact details of the Production Editor.
How can I find out the status of the review process for my submission?
If you have submitted a manuscript you should contact the Journal Office. Only the corresponding author can do this.
My paper has been accepted for publication. What happens now?
Once your paper has been accepted it is sent to the Production Office. It will be copy-edited by a professional copy-editor and set into page proofs. You will receive proofs for revision approximately 3 to 4 weeks after acceptance.
You will also receive full instructions on how to correct your proofs.
How do I correct my proofs?
The journal’s website offers a short guide on how to correct your pdf proofs. Please refer to it.
I would like to order offprints of my article. What should I do?
You will receive an order form from our Production Office together with your proofs. This is the best time to order your offprints at a special rate. If you decide to order offprints at a later date, there will be an additional surcharge. Please contact your Production Editor for a form.
I have ordered offprints: when will I receive them?
Accepted manuscripts are processed well in advance of their publication date, while offprints are produced at the time of print, so you wil have to wait until the article is issued in print to receive your offprints. No additional charges will be added, though, and the cost of your reprints will remain unchanged. Our production office will register your order and you will receive our invoice, which should be paid in advance.
I would like to order a single print copy of the issue featuring my article. How can I do this?
Please contact our Customer Service indicating the Journal and issue you would like to order and the full address where it should be mailed. The price varies for each journal and you will receive an offer inclusive of delivery charges to your country.
I would like to use material published in your journals. What do I do?
All material included in any of our articles is protected by Copyright. You must obtain a permission before you proceed with your next project. Each journal article offers a link to RightsLInk, a service hosted by the Copyright Clearance Center: it is a very simple operation and you obtain permission directly online. If fees are applicable, you will be guided to pay them directly to CCC.