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Sponsoring a Supplement


The Journal of Applied Biomaterials & Functional Materials is ready to consider and to  publish peer-reviewed supplement issues. Supplements must be sponsored and offer an opportunity to have the sponsor's name associated with top-quality scientific material. Supplements are printed according to the standard Journal circulation and it is possible to purchase additional copies for independent distribution. Supplements represent an outstanding opportunity to reach potential customers and emphasize the Sponsor's dedication to research and advancement. 

For enquiries on supplements please contact:

Ms Nella Bini

Wichtig Editore Srl – Via Friuli 72 – 20135 Milano MI (Italy)
[email protected] 


Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the Author Guidelines. Supplement Coordinators should submit an initial request to ms Nella Bini, supplying the following information:

  • A brief summary of supplement's intended subject
  • A tentative Table of Contents indicating all Authors' and Contributors' names
  • The name of the proposed Guest Editor for the supplement
  • Target completion date for manuscripts and target release date for the supplement

The Editor in Chief has the right to reject or accept supplements. All manuscripts will be subject to review. If the Editor approves the tentative project, the coordinators will receive a full quotation directly from the Publisher. The quotation will be based on the number of manuscripts included in the supplement, the estimated final pagination, colour figures, additional copies required and any additional services which might be requested. Supplements are published online and in print.