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Privacy Policy

Disclosures on user’s privacy protection

Wichtig Publishing Srl is committed to protecting the privacy of its websites’ users and subscribers. By using our services you agree to the use of the data that we collect in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We are committed to protecting your privacy and we collect the minimum amount of data commensurate with providing you with a satisfactory service. 

Wichtig Publishing Srl follows the rules set by the Italian Privacy Protection Law (Legge 31.12.1996 n. 675), does not knowingly collect information from users under the age of 18 and does not share personal information with any third party.

This policy indicates the type of processes that may result in data being collected about you:
  • During registration: registration is optional and if you choose to register we will ask for your name, surname and email address.
  • During a purchasing transaction: an account must be created; supplying name, surname and email address. The system will prompt you to supply all information required for billing and delivery.  These data are mandatory and are necessary to invoice your purchase and to deliver your subscription or the purchased article.  Information related to your credit card is not collected and stored by us directly, but through a Secure Server connection through our online Banking partner.

How is your personal information used?

By registering to our portal you will be added to our mailing lists and receive periodical email information on new releases and new journal issues being published. You may also receive information on our affiliated partners, restricted to scientific contents such as forthcoming events or information of interest to the scientific community. Wichtig Publishing Srl is not responsible for the privacy practices or contents of websites available through links and banners from this website.

Changes to this policy

Any changes to our Privacy Policy will be placed here and will supersede this version of our policy.  We will take reasonable steps to draw your attention to any changes in our policy.  However, we suggest that you read this document each time you use the website to ensure that it still meets with your approval.


Updated 09_05_2014